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High Calorie Bar Recipe for Weight Gain & Bodybuilding

by | Fitness

In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, the focus is often on losing weight and achieving a lean physique. However, for some individuals, the goal may be quite the opposite – gaining weight and building muscle mass.

Whether you are an athlete looking to bulk up or someone who simply struggles to put on weight, incorporating high-calorie foods into your diet can play a crucial role in reaching this objective.

One effective way to boost calorie intake is through consuming high calorie bars that are packed with essential nutrients and promote muscle growth.

These homemade bars offer an excellent alternative to store-bought options, as they allow you to customize simple ingredients according to your specific dietary needs and preferences.

Why High Calorie Bars are Beneficial: Exploring the Benefits of Nutrient-Dense Recipes

Healthy eating has become a priority for many individuals and high calorie protein bars often get an unfavorable reputation. However, it is important to recognize that not all calories are created equal.

When made with carefully selected ingredients and in controlled portions, high calorie bars can actually be incredibly beneficial for those seeking to optimize their nutrition intake.

Today you’ll learn about the advantages of incorporating nutrient-dense high calorie bar recipes into your diet.

One significant benefit of high calorie bars is their ability to provide a concentrated source of energy. Whether you lead an active lifestyle or simply need an energy boost throughout the day, these healthy snacks can offer a quick and convenient solution.

The Right Ingredients for High-Calorie Bars

Selecting the right ingredients for high-calorie bars is crucial to ensure a balanced and nutritious recipe.

Firstly, opt for nutrient-dense ingredients such as nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. These provide essential vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and fiber to support overall well-being.

Additionally, incorporating protein-rich ingredients like whey or plant-based protein powder can help promote muscle growth and recovery.

Furthermore, selecting whole grains can add complexity to the flavor profile while providing sustained energy release. Whole grain oats or quinoa flakes are excellent choices that offer a wealth of antioxidants and dietary fiber.

It’s also vital to strike a balance between natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup and added sugars. While some level of sweetness is desirable in high-calorie bars, excessive amounts may lead to blood sugar spikes and subsequent crashes.

How to Eat Your Way to Massive Muscle Gains

Commercial calorie bars are not new and they are not cheap, a good granola bar will cost you $2-$3 dollars a bar and I personally don’t think they are worth the money. For that kind of investment I would purchase a good and proven weight gainer. 

But I have a solution for those of us who want muscle mass and are always looking at the mirror to see gains. Make your own high calorie bars with these healthy ingredients.

Before I go on, I want to state some rather obvious facts: if you want to gain mass at an accelerated pace…eat fat!

Yes don’t avoid fat. It is essential in the mass gaining process. Dietary fats play a essential role in muscle building hormone production which are the keys to outstanding muscle growth.

I have never known anyone gains mass on a low fat diet, it just will not happen.

If you are getting fat on a high calorie diet, I would not blame your fat intake, no!

Rather I would blame the sugars in your diet. This include fructose, corn syrup, or cane sugars. 

Also a low fat diet will lower your testosterone levels, something you want to avoid when you are trying to gain weight.

You should also know that it is a lot easier to lose weight or fat if you first gain muscle (with some fat) first then try to lose the fat before trying to build muscle mass.

This is true even if you are obese

I suggest all my overweight clients to build muscle before trying to lose fat. 

It is way easier since muscle tends to increase your metabolism on a permanent basis, making you a fat burning machine.

However not all fats are created equal, you want to avoid the saturated kind (as found in animals) and consume the essential fatty acids (EFA).

EFA fats are energy and your body will burn them if you train correctly.

The recipe below is simple to make and it will provide you with several days’ worth of weight gain dense snacks.

So the next time you are heading out to your workouts, consume one of these high calorie homemade protein bars and watch the energy boost.

You will not have to resort to the use of candy bars or some unhealthy snack.

Easy High-Calorie Homemade Protein Bar Recipe

1/2 cup butter
1 cup apple juice concentrates (the frozen kind)
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 whole eggs
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup raw wheat germ
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup pecans
1 cup raisins
1 cup chopped dates

Meal Prep and Instructions

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees;

Blend the butter, eggs, apple juice and vanilla together.

Sift together with flour, wheat germ, baking soda and baking powder then add them to mixture.

Add the rest of the ingredients, mix well and press into a basic oblong glass pan that you have buttered and floured. You can also use regular oven-safe pan with baking sheets.

Bake until the top is golden brown-about 30 minutes, refrigerate to keep fresh

You will get 12 bars out of these and each one gives you

561 calories 30 grams of fat, carbohydrates 51 grams, 12 grams of protein.

Overall, it’ll cost you less than a dollar each.

Extra Ingredients for Your Protein-Packed Snack

  • Chocolate chips
  • Melted Chocolate
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Whey Protein Powder
  • Brown Rice Protein Powder
  • Peanut Butter
  • Almond Butter
  • Cashew Butter
  • Raw and Unfiltered Honey
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Coconut Flour
  • Almond Milk
  • Oat Milk
  • Olive Oil
  • Coconut Oil

Tips on Storing and Taking Your High-Calorie Bars On-the-Go

When it comes to storing and taking your high-calorie bars on-the-go, proper preparation and handling can make a significant difference in maintaining their quality and ensuring your nutritional needs are met.

  • Choose a suitable storage container that offers airtight protection to keep the bars fresh and prevent any moisture from affecting their texture.
  • Consider placing them in a cool and dry environment to avoid exposure to heat, which can cause the bars to melt or become overly soft.

For added convenience, invest in portable and durable packaging, such as resealable bags or individual wrappers that allow for easy transport and consumption. Moreover, be mindful of the expiration dates of the bars and rotate your stock regularly to ensure you consume them before they expire.

  • If you plan to take these bars on longer trips or outdoor adventures, it is wise to pack them in insulated containers to maintain their freshness and prevent any potential spoilage.

By following these tips, you can enjoy the convenience of high-calorie homemade protein bars on-the-go while maintaining their quality and nutritional value.


This high calorie homemade protein bar recipe offers a delicious and convenient option for those seeking to increase their caloric intake. With its combination of calorie dense ingredients and customizable add-ons, it can be tailored to suit individual preferences and dietary needs.

While these bars are certainly not suitable for everyone, they can be a valuable tool for athletes, individuals with high energy requirements, or those looking to gain weight.

However, it is important to remember that moderation is key and consulting with a healthcare professional before incorporating these bars into your diet is advised. So why not give this customizable protein bar recipe a try and see how it can benefit your nutritional goals?

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